Friday, February 15, 2013


The novel, Agenda 21, has been read by many, many people. I know how many copies have been sold. And many readers have reached out to me, for which I am grateful. The most gratifying may be the one I am telling you about on this humble blog:

A package was mailed to me c/o Madwoman in the Attic. I received it yesterday at our weekly meeting.

I didn't recognize the name or address of the sender.

The package contained 2 copies of a book: Knock In the Night by Balazs Szabo. One was a signed copy for me. There was also a letter for me from the author. The letter, per verbatim, reads:

Dear Harriet:

I am so swept away by the book you wrote. Glad Glenn put his name on it for marketing purposes.

You have written the fiction of what my people and I have lived in Soviet Communist occupied Hungary.

The Agenda 21 Plan of the UN is nothing more than a carbon copy of that same evil and its desire of world domination.

My book Knock In The Night tells it the way it was for me until my escape at 13.5 in 1956.

Hope you have time to read it and share the extra coy with the writing club at Madwomen in the Attic.

My apologies, but I am not an author and perhaps I should have stuck to brushes my tools of art, but the story had to be told for my sons.

Congratulations for your master piece. Hope you get my countryman's (Pulitzer) award for it which is unlikely while this regime is in power.

Balazs Szabo
His bio identifies him as an internationally-renowed artist and his artwork is in museums from New Jersey to Hawaii. His art work, The Eye of the Muse, won the 1987 U.S.A. Print Design Excellence Award. He remains devoted to the ideals of freedom and Democracy for all.

I am both honored and humbled by his words and his life experiences.