Thursday, March 12, 2015

A time to meditate and refresh my spirit

I am retreating from all devices (phone and laptop) for one month . . .not quite as severe as 40 days and 40 nights in the desert, but, for me, it will be a test. And I intend to pass it!

I hope you enjoyed Agenda 21: Into the Shadows. It was a labor of love for our nation and our culture. Culture drives politics and fiction is a powerful part of culture.

I will be back, full of energy and love for my readers. I will be back!


  1. LOVED Into the Shadows, and I hope that there will be a third in the series. We have many friends who have read it as well. Thanks so much for writing a second one!!

  2. Agree with mom2six! I hope to see this become a trilogy!

  3. I agree with them. Hoping have a third book.

  4. Where is Harriet? It's 2024.
